TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK. WILL RETURN IN 2 WEEKS Hand of the king casts. Raw & unpainted $5+S&H
Captain Harlock Cosmo Dragoon Kits. Raw & unassembled (3 pieces) $45+S&H for one. $80+S&H for a pair
Ruppee Wallets
Pricing will be as follows:
Child Wallet $15 (1 of each Green, Blue, Yellow, Red, Purple, Orange, and Silver Ruppees)
Adult Wallet $20 (3 Green, 2 Blue, 1 Yellow, 1 Red, 1 Purple, 1 Orange, and 1 Silver Ruppee)
Giants Wallet $35 (5 Green, 3 Blue, 2 Yellow, 2 Red, 2 Purple, 2 Orange, and 2 Silver Ruppees, and a Skultula Coin)
Additional Ruppee Packs also will be available once the full production run starts